
BIKE NIGHT ASIA MOTOVLOG OF THE WEEK: MoTour Pilipinas - A Message to Aspiring Senior Riders

BIKE NIGHT ASIA MOTOVLOG OF THE WEEK: MoTour Pilipinas - A Message to Aspiring Senior Riders

Riding at the prime of your life!

Join JT and his family as they hit their usual place to ride in Laguna - The Caliraya Lake. Enjoy the ride and discover a new place to go to in Caliraya Lake, learn from their discussion as they tackle why riding a motorcycle doesn't have an age and why everyone should go and grab a bike!

Thank you JT for sharing us your story!

Don't forget to visit his pages and YouTube Channel though the links below:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCstxdS8ZUV7Aco53O-zfowQ

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoTourPilipinas

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motourpilipinas/