
De Kada and Mayora Kamata Halloween Special

De Kada and Mayora Kamata Halloween Special

The warmhearted fellows continue, and this time they decided to put smiles on the faces of the kids for Halloween. De Kada Riders Club and Mayora Kamata made it a point to give out candy packs to the kids around their vicinity and the House of Sarang in Taguig City. Together with Pres. Ferdz, the team roamed through the streets of Taguig to surprise not just the kids but their parents as well.

With the help of their fellow riders, they managed to gather a whole bunch of treats, which they packed and handed out. Acts like this don't usually come with any compensation, but that's the whole point of their advocacy: to help out the ones that are in need and give smiles to these children. That is reward enough for these awesome people who dedicate their time to helping and making others happy.

Check some of these photos out from Mayora Kamata for some of the activity's highlights.

Kudos to your team Mayora for the job well done!