Makina Moto Show 2022 Day 2
July 30 2022 - Day 1 was a success! There has been so much to check out and a lot of things to enjoy in every corner of the 4 halls of Makina's Moto Show 2022. Day 2 started off a bit low as the morning was struck by heavy rain and intermittent weather throughout the day. But the riders were not swayed by these challenges and still proceeded with the event.

There are a lot of activities to check out at each booth. From games to vloggers to just plain checking their booths out, you can easily lose track of time as you roam around the halls. Check these photos out for the booth you can engage with as you visit on the last day of the event.

Some of the biggest happenings this day are from Benelli, as they launch their booth with their motorcycles. SEC did a short program with several motovloggers like Papa Jack and Jolo Tambyolo in front of their booth to invite guests. Spyder also invited vloggers like MotoMoy to their booth for a short meet and greet. Gille closed the night with a bang as they publicly announced their new product in the family, the Sphinx. It is a line of motorcycle gear that ranges from gloves to knee pads to jackets, introducing a new line of protective gear affordable for the riding community without compromising safety.

The 3rd day is up. Don't miss the chance to visit these halls!