
Rider's Passion: Learn and Teach Photography

Rider's Passion: Learn and Teach Photography

Rider's Passion: Learn and Teach Photography his rides and his camera.

Shot by Billy Pulido

Richard Torres or Learn and Teach Photography never planned on taking photos of riders when he started riding his motorcycle. 

Shot by Idethmotov2

Ever since he got his motorcycle at around last year, the use that he knows for it was just a service to take him from his home to his work. Little did he know that when his friends introduced him to Marilaque Highway, he'd have a new hobby in tow. It was his friends who invited him for a ride to Marilaque when he first saw a glimpse of how fun riding is.

He wasn't getting much "Pitiks" whenever he goes to Marilaque as he wasn't really into riding the streets of Marilaque to go back and forth memorize each corners. But he is always surprised to see many photographers taking photos of the riders passing by. Richard got intrigued and tried taking the same photos using his mobile phone back in January.

And as expected, he got hooked and has been taking photos since then using his phone, come February even if he doesn't have the profound knowledge about cameras, he decided to to up his game and got himself a camera that he'll be using on the streets of Marilaque, events or event just street photography as he will be learning the things that he needs via his new found photography friends as well as his own.

You will see Richard together with his friends in the stretch of Marilaque taking the glorious photos of the riders as well as some portrait shots on selected areas. As he is now, he is one of the renowned photographers in the area who people always hopes they have been shot using the lens of Learn and Teach Photography.

See more of his shots by visiting, following, liking and sharing his page: https://www.facebook.com/Learn-And-Teach-Photography-100222702087527/