Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo Kick-off
Revving engines, the unity, and the adrenaline pumping rock music - these are the sensations that filled the air at the Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo Nationwide Tambike event held on July 22 at Virtuosity Playground, Imprint Customs in Antipolo City. Different motorcycle riders and groups, together with well-known motovloggers and influencers gathered to witness the kick-off of a Nationwide Tambike hosted by Shell Advance in cooperation with Bike Night Asia. Let's delve into the excitement and highlights of this unforgettable event.

Nestled amidst the scenic landscapes of Antipolo City, the Virtuosity Playground served as the perfect backdrop for an event dedicated to knowing our fellow rider's stories on the road, celebrating the spirit of motorcycling, and solidarity of motorcycling groups and friends which were present in the grand event. The event was made enjoyable and energetic through the hosting of DJ Adam of Wish 107.5 FM and Mr. Jeff Dela Cruz of Bike Night Asia. The crowd were also engaged and very much reveled in the music by the Divided by Zero Band which played novelty OPM rock songs from the 1980's up to the present.

Attendees of the said event were a mix of different kinds of groups. Among them were members of the every supportive groups of the Honda ADVenturista Team Pilipinas (HAT) and Kamote Riders Club from Pasig. Big bikes also had a share of the fun as members from the Ninja Philippines were present among the crowd. This just certainly shows that all kinds of motorcycles are certainly welcome to join and support the Shell Advance Nationwide Tambike.

The Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo Nationwide Tambike event was not just about motorcycling; it was a platform for enthusiasts and groups to meet with other riders, discover and share stories that all riders have from their experiences on the road, know much about the grand event by Shell Advance and their goals, learn more about their product and enjoy raffle prizes which were given by the representatives of Shell Advance and Bike Night Asia. It was also during this event in which Mr. Jeff Dela Cruz of Bike Night Asia presented Ms. Chi Malabanan of Shell Advance and Mr. Gian Lasam of Imprint Customs with certificates of appreciation to commemorate their utmost support towards the Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo Nationwide Tambike.

During this event as well, a short video prepared by Bike Night Asia was presented to share the riders from Honda ADVenturista Team Pilipinas and Bulacan Riders Club of their joys in motorcycle riding entitled "Ride ng Buhay Mo". The Honda ADVenturista Team Pilipinas bagged the win as the Club of the Night, their group won a huge supply of Shell Advance lubricants which were perfect to maintain their bikes in tiptop performance and continue to make memories through paving Philippine roads with their Honda ADVs.

Attendees were treated to a variety of entertainment options, ranging from sumptuous and mouth-watering food and drinks which were offered by the Imprint Cafe, Shell Advance booth which showcased different kinds of motorcycle oils for a wide variety of motorcycles, Red Bull Supreme with a fun electrifying maze game in their booth also given away bottles and bottles of Red Bull Supreme to keep the rider's energy up during the event, energetic live band performance by the Divided By Zero Band, and several raffle draws from all the brands who supported the event. This shows that Shell Advance absolutely wanted to pique the interest and appreciation of Filipino motorcyclists through these kinds of events. A vibrant sense of community pervaded the venue, as enthusiasts bonded over their shared passion for motorcycles.

The Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo Nationwide Tambike event held at Virtuosity Playground Antipolo on July 22 was a true spectacle of camaraderie, fun, and passion. From the smiles of the attendees to the feedback that they've shared with us, the event encapsulated the essence of the motorcycling community. As engines revved and the riders shouted for joy, the Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo Nationwide Tambike demonstrated that motorcycling is not merely a mode of transportation but a way of life - a thrilling adventure that unites riders in the pursuit of fun and excitement.

This is just the beginning, Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo Nationwide Tambike will be going around the whole Philippines to find out what your story is, no matter where you ride, what you ride and what your experiences are? Shell Advance Ride ng Buhay Mo will be there to ask "Ikaw? Anong Ride ng Buhay Mo?"
See you on the next one fellow riders!
-A.Igban II