
Motorsiklo Xklusibo Ibalik ang Swerte sa Trese 2022

Motorsiklo Xklusibo Ibalik ang Swerte sa Trese 2022
Motorsiklo Xklusibo has been doing these awesome events for several occasions now. These years in the industry really does mean something. Being able to hold this kind of event is a feat to behold. Enter Motorsiklo Xklusibo Ibalik ang Swerte sa Trese, an event they've held in Laguna Sports Complex to cater to several manufacturers and brands. A huge place to showcase these manufacturers and brands to the riders of the south, a day where people can enjoy and buy something for their rides, and ultimately, bring together motorcycle riders and clubs in one place.

With several brands and manufacturers in tow, Motorsiklo Xklusibo opened the doors to the riders and gave them access to affordable and quality products. Brands that are normally out of reach for some riders became more affordable, and motorcycle manufacturers were able to showcase their new bikes and lineups to their potential buyers.

Congratulations to Mr. Edwin Go and the Motorsiklo Xklusibo Team for throwing an awesome event such as this. We are looking forward to the 14th year and are excited about what is in store for the Filipino Riders next!

Check these photos out for some of the event highlights.